
Are you a resident in Telegraph Hill thinking of submitting a planning application to Lewisham Council to change your home? If so, please read the Appraisal guidance created by Lewisham Council.

We don’t want you to go through the stress and cost of hiring an architect or an engineer only for your application to be rejected because it fails to meet the council’s guidelines.

(click to open appraisal .pdf )

*Please note, the Telegraph Hill Society does not decide what is or what isn’t allowed in the area – that’s down to Lewisham Council, who set out that developments in conservation areas are restricted by what is known as an Article 4 Direction. The Direction applying to the Telegraph Hill Conservation Area can be seen on the Lewisham Council website.

Lewisham Council lists alterations to buildings that are prohibited or for which planning permission is required.


  • Remember that you live in a Conservation Area that  is covered by an Article 4 direction setting limits on permitted development rights
  • All external changes to any property, including gardens, in the Conservation Area may require planning permission if those changes are visible from the public realm.  This includes garden walls, railings, windows, roofs and doors.
  • In addition, most external changes to properties in flats, including their gardens, and larger changes to other properties, even if not visible from the public realm, require planning permission
  • Conversions of properties into flats or HMOs even if they do not affect the exterior will also require planning permission
  • There are detailed rules as to what extensions and outbuildings may be built.

Therefore make yourself familiar with the regulations (or employ somebody to do so and ensure they are aware of the Article 4 direction for Telegraph Hill Conservation Area) before starting any work.

Detailed planning guidance is available on-line including the Council’s Development Management Plan, supplementary planning guidance for extensions and outbuildings and the Telegraph Hill Conservation Area Character Appraisal.  Advice can also be sought from the Council and the Telegraph Hill Society may also be able to help with advice.

All planning applications need to be accompanied by a Heritage Statement which explains how the application meet the heritage and development management policies set out by the Council in its development management plan.